My multi-disciplinary research journey has led me to publish in different scientific domains, on the following topics:
- innovation, complexity and inter-disciplinarity, as a new paradigm for science in a globally interconnected age; [green]
- digital data and human behavior, i.e. how aggregated digital data can be used to observe and understand change in individual and societal behavior, especially as concerns mobility; [blue]
- e-learning and digital society, or how digital technologies can be fostered for human learning, culture and organizational change. [grey]
I have published monographs and research papers in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and contributions to conference proceedings. I have been invited to present my research work at conferences and research institutions all over the world.

Costa, M., Dal Fiore, F.(2005)
[Entities in evolution. Organizational change through communities and networks of practice]
Turin: UTET
All other publications
Dal Fiore, F. (2008) Chicken or egg? Revealing the finalistic trigger of the causality chain. Proceedings of the 2nd World Knowledge Dialogue, Crans-Montana (Swi), 10-13.09.08
Dal Fiore, F. (2007) Communities versus Networks: The Implications on Innovation and Social Change.
American Behavioral Scientist, 50(7), 857-866, London: Sage
Martinotti, G., Dal Fiore, F., & Foth, M. (2007). Introduction: The Human Web. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(7), 851-856, London: Sage
Dal Fiore, F., Martinotti, G. (2005) Alle radici dell’innovazione. Una questione di interfaccia, tra comunità e reti. Rome:
Technology Review Italia
Dal Fiore, F., Mokhtarian, P., Salomon, I., Singer, M. (2014) Nomads at last? New perspectives on how mobile technology may affect travel.
Journal of Transport Geography 41 (2014) 97-106, Amsterdam: Elsevier
Dal Fiore, F., Beinat, E., Rietveld, P., Hawelka, B. (2011) Comparative analysis of urban areas through mobile phone data signatures: a case study in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region.
Proceedings of the 8th Intl Symposium on Location Based Services, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 21 2011
Dal Fiore, F. (2011) Exploring the impacts of mobile technologies on human travel and spatial behavior. Analysis of empirical evidence from 3 case studies. PhD Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dal Fiore, F., Beinat, E., Rietveld, P., Hawelka, B. (2011) Exploring the relationship between land use and mobile phone usage: analysis of a dataset for the Amsterdam metropolitan region.
Proceedings of the PURBA 2011 Intl workshop, San Francisco, CA (USA), 12/06/2011
Dal Fiore, F., Beinat, E., Rietveld, P. (2010) How is the mobile revolution changing human mobility? A cross-disciplinary literature review. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl Conference on Mobile Life, Brighton (UK), 27-29/10/2010
Vaccari, A., Dal Fiore, F., Beinat, E., Biderman, A., Ratti, C. (2009) Current Amsterdam: studying social dynamics through mobile phones network data. Proceedings of Imagining Amsterdam 2009, University of Amsterdam
Dal Fiore, F., Beinat, E. (2008) The Adoption of Mobile Location-Aware Systems for Field Police Work: Evaluation of a Pilot Initiative at the Dutch Police. In Gartner, G., Rehrl, K., Location Based Services and Telecartography II, Berlin: Springer
Girardin, F., Blat, J., Nova, N., Dal Fiore, F., Ratti, C. (2008) Leveraging urban digital footprints with social navigation and seamless design.
Proceedings of CHI 2008, ACM Press
Girardin, F., Calabrese, F., Dal Fiore, F., Ratti, C., Blatt, J. (2008) Digital footprinting: Uncovering the presence and movements of people from user-generated content,
IEEE Pervasive Computing, PCSI-2008-05-0048, October/November 2008, pp. 78-85.
Rojas, F., Calabrese, F., Dal Fiore, F., Krishnan, S. & Ratti, C. (2007) Real Time Rome. Urban_Trans_Formation.
Proceedings of the Holcim Forum for Sustainable Construction, Shanghai, 18-21 April 2007
Boffi, M., Dal Fiore, F., D’Ovidio, M., Gui, M., Natoli, E. (2005) Wireless connected tablet-pc and GPS for on-campus micro-mobility research at the University of Milan Bicocca.
Proceedings of TERENA, Poznan, Poland
Dal Fiore, F. (2006) Nuove tecnologie e turismo. In Bisiani, R., Diamantini, D. Mobilita’ e societa’ dell’informazione. Milano: Guerini e associati
Dal Fiore, F., Gui, M. (2005) Student-centered e-learning: una sperimentazione sul cronotopo della Bicocca.
In Delfino & al. (eds),
Come costruire conoscenza in rete?, pp.67-79, Ortona: Menabò
Dal Fiore, F. (2003
) E-learning for Artisan SMEs,
Project Report, Venice: University Ca’ Foscari of Venice