My multi-disciplinary research journey has led me to publish in different scientific domains, on the following topics:
- innovation, complexity and inter-disciplinarity, as a new paradigm for science in a globally interconnected age; [green]
- digital data and human behavior, i.e. how aggregated digital data can be used to observe and understand change in individual and societal behavior, especially as concerns mobility; [blue]
- e-learning and digital society, or how digital technologies can be fostered for human learning, culture and organizational change. [grey]
I have published monographs and research papers in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and contributions to conference proceedings. I have been invited to present my research work at conferences and research institutions all over the world.

Costa, M., Dal Fiore, F.(2005)
[Entities in evolution. Organizational change through communities and networks of practice]
Turin: UTET
All other publications
Urbanistica e Informazioni, N.238
Presentations at international conferences:
“Are social sciences in need of a fundamental reform?”
“Disciplines for the common good. Overcoming the compartmentalization of human knowledge and professional development”
WISE Meet-up on “Building the future of inter-professional education”
“Exploring the relationship between land use and mobile phone usage”
Keynote speech: “Nomads at last? Understanding the impact of mobile technologies on human spatial behavior”
“Leveraging mobile phone and web 2.0 data to map urban dynamics”
“Observing and modeling our social world: opportunities and challenges in the age of digitization and complexity”
“Collective sensing”
Participation to debate on “Generazioni a confronto”
“Implementing advanced mobility and ICT solutions in mountain environments
“Collective Sensing”
“The analysis of aggregate mobile phone data to model land use and landscape preferences”
“The role of ICT infrastructure in urban mobility management”
“The Adoption of Mobile LBS for Field Police Work. Evaluation of a Pilot Initiative”
“Mobilità intelligente, tecnologie digitali e cittadini The real-time city: il digitale al servizio della citta’ intelligente. Visione e progetti dal Senseable City Lab del MIT”
Participation as young scientist
“Does complexity manifest as the power to blackmail? The search for geopolitical equilibrium and the war on terror”
“Do mobile users move differently? Exploring the spatial implications of ubiquitous connectivity at MIT campus”
“Real-Time Modelling of Digital Information on Urban Activities”
Organization of workshop: “The paradox of communication: towards a society of inattention?”
“Innovazione tecnologica per la logistica urbana”
“La carta di Firenze. Per una buona pratica per la gestione di progetti di connettivita’ wireless in aree svantaggiate”
“Assessing the impact of Wi-Fi on urban mobility”
“History Unwired: bridging cultural gaps through place-based media”
Organization of workshop: “Communities versus networks: the extremes of a continuum of social containers for innovation”
“Il progetto History Unwired: valorizzare la cultura locale attraverso le tecnologie ICT”
“Wireless connected tablet-PC and GPS for on-campus micro-mobility research at the University of Milan Bicocca”
“Digital Portfolio. E-learning come sviluppo personale integrato”
“Student-centered e-learning. Una sperimentazione sul cronotopo della Bicocca”
“Il progetto “E-learning per l’artigianato e la PMI: presentazione dei risultati dell’indagine sul campo e della fase di sperimentazione”
“Tecnologia, emozioni, creazione: l’orizzonte dell’e-learning”
“E-learning per la Piccola e Media Impresa: risultati e prospettive”
“E-learning per la Piccola e Media Impresa: risultati e prospettive”
“Apprendimento e ICT: potenzialita’ e prospettive”
London (UK), July 2022, online
“Science with a heart. What does it take to build a more benevolent science?”
Webinar for the Science and Medical Network
London (UK), April 2018
Science & Spirituality series at the World Community for Christian Meditation
“Science with a heart. In search for a new paradigm” (link to audio recording)
Passariano (ITA), Sept 2015, CSR Day – Animaimpresa
“L’impresa a dimensione d’uomo: un futuro che è già presente”
Lyon (FRA), Jan 2014, The Loop Consultancy
“Disciplines for the common good. Overcoming the compartmentalization of human knowledge and professional development”
Moscow (RUS), Sept 2012, National Research University (United Nations, ITU, remote participation)
“Currentcity: big data consulting and R&D”
Geneve (SWI), March 2012, United Nations – ITU
“Innovation in big data analytics: from lab to market to standards”
Venice (ITA), January 2012, Generali Group
“Sustainable mobility solutions: opportunities for Generali”
Rio De Janeiro (BRA), January 2012, Metropolitan Committee for Rio
“The Senseable City: opportunities for Rio”
Cambridge, MA (USA), October 2011, Italian Trade Commission
Fostering International Entrepreneurship: U.S. & Italian strategies for turning academic research into business
“Currentcity: building a path from the Lab to the market”
Amsterdam (NL), October 2011, Amsterdam Municipality, Dept. of Urban Planning
“Collective sensing”
Boston, MA (USA) November 2010, Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network Research- Barabasi Lab.
“Collective sensing”
Boston, MA (USA), April 2010, Boston University, School of Hospitality, The Boston Symposium
“The Senseable City: an urban infrastructure perspective”
Seoul (KOR), March 2009, Sejong University, Dept.Urban Design
“The Senseable City: vision and reality”
Incheon (KOR), March 2009, Incheon Intl Urban Design Competion for Students
“The Senseable City: vision and reality”
London (UK), August 2008, Department of Information Science, City University London
“Cities as real-time control systems: which role for geo-information?”
Lausanne (SWI), July 2007, Executive Master in e-Governance, EPFL
“E-governance in real-time? A new role for mobile technologies”
Salzburg (AUS), July 07, Summer School on Location Based Services, Salzburg University
“Mobility and ubiquitousness: case studies and empirical results from MIT campus and Dutch police”
Cambridge, MA (USA), October 2007, Urban Information Systems, M.I.T.
“Digitally Augmented Cities”
Amsterdam (NL), December 2006, Spatial Information Lab, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
“Measuring the impact of wireless technology on spatial behavior”
Citta’ di Castello (ITA), May 2004, June 2004, Executive Master in Training Management, Villa Montesca Research Institute
“E-learning: technologies, tools, learning objects”
Geneve (SWI), April 2003, TECFA Education&Technology Research Center, University of Geneve
“E-learning for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”
Venezia (ITA), February 2003, Executive Master in NeT Training for Artisan Regional Economy, University Ca’ Foscari
“Tecnologia, emozioni, creazione: l’orizzonte dell’e-learning”
Cambridge, MA (USA), February 2003, Comparative Media Studies Programme, M.I.T.
“Online communities of practice and e-learning”
Edinburgh (UK), January 2003, Queen Margaret University
“Online communities of practice for continuing education and training”
Edinburgh (UK), January 2003, Napier University, Dept. Social Informatics
“Online communities of practice for continuing education and training”
Jesi (ITA), June 2012, Inauguration of Jesi Cube Business incubator
“Currentcity: bulding a path from the lab to the market”
Pomezia (ITA), April 2012, Campus Mentis, Universita’ Sapienza Roma
Career testimonial
Padua (ITA), April 2012, SMAU & Padua Chamber of Commerce. The New Digital Enterprise workshop
“Currentcity: bulding a path from the lab to the market”
Frosinone (ITA), March 2012, Frosinone Smart Province, Provincia di Frosinone
“The Senseable City: visions and projects”
Bologna (ITA), October 2012, Istituto italiano imprenditorialita’, Dai term sheets all’exit
Start-up testimonial
Orta (ITA), April 2013, Comune di Orta/Vicariato
Start-up testimonial
Padova (ITA), February 2014, Festival First per l’Innovazione, il Sociale e il Territorio
Start-up testimonial
OF human knowledge and professional development